Changing Estuaries

Eagle Rock Analytics analyzed 20 years of biochemical, atmospheric and physical data to assess the degree to which Delaware’s estuaries have been impacted by climate change.  This work was supported by Delaware’s National Estuarine Research Reserve.

Weather Data for Energy

Eagle Rock Analytics was selected to produce a curated high-resolution record of temperature and other weather variables to support California’s Energy Sector.  A trend analysis revealed asymmetric warming in California, with major implications for the cost of electricity to ratepayers. This work was supported by the California Energy Commission through the EPIC Research Program.

Harmful Algal Blooms

Harmful algal blooms critically impact coastal regions and freshwater across the United States. We have developed statistical models that explain how changes in water temperature are leading to conditions favorable for algal growth. This work is in collaboration with Dr. Chris Gobler of Stony Brook University.

Wildfire and Climate

Eagle Rock Analytics is a member of Pyregence: California’s efforts to better understand the relationship between extreme weather and wildfire occurrence.  Eagle Rock’s work includes generation of a siting algorithm to optimize the locations of weather stations, and support of efforts to characterize key regional weather patterns that contribute to fire events.  This work is led […]

California Climate Risk and Adaptation Index

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Eagle Rock Analytics is developing a novel index to quantify the benefits for the California Air Resources Board. This index will help to quantify the benefits and return on current and future investment of California Climate Investment (CCI) projects. By creating this index, the state may more accurately understand the value-add from various programs, while […]

Historical Observations Data Platform

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At present, our scientists are leading weather classification of extreme heat events for California utilities Southern-California Edison (SCE) and Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) in identifying events that stressed the electricity grid in order to support operations and planning efforts to understand and identify future heat stress events to the grid. To support this effort, […]


California’s Senate Bill 100 (SB100) aims for 100% of California’s retail energy to come from renewable and zero-carbon sources by 2045. Eagle Rock Analytics is supporting this goal by developing high-resolution hourly profiles of photovoltaic and wind power generation potential through end-of-century for the California Energy Commission’s supply analysis team to assess climate change impacts […]


Eagle Rock Analytics is the lead for Cal-Adapt, a portal containing tools and visualizations that connect results and findings from California’s research and scientific community with stakeholders and the general public. Our role is to direct the development of the next generation of data tools and visualizations, supporting California’s Climate Change Assessments. This work is […]

Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine

Eagle Rock Analytics is the provider and maintainer of data for California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment. We oversee critical platforms such as Cal-Adapt and the Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine, the climate data portal and analysis platform for the State of California. The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) issued guidance to state agencies, directing them […]