
Eagle Rock Analytics leads the development and management of Cal-Adapt, California’s climate data portal, and the Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine, a cloud-based analytical data platform designed for the state’s climate adaptation and assessment needs. Cal-Adapt connects California’s research community with stakeholders and the public, offering tools and visualizations to support the state’s climate resilience efforts, while the Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine enables users—particularly in the energy sector—to access, analyze, and export customized climate data through the use of an open source package and Jupyter Notebooks. These platforms are integral to California’s Climate Change Assessments, providing access to downscaled CMIP6 climate projections, analytical tools, and resources to support climate adaptation, vulnerability assessments, and planning.

Funded by the California Energy Commission (CEC) grants EPC-21-038 and EPC-20-007, and supported by the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative, Eagle Rock Analytics co-produces tools for Cal-Adapt with engagement with stakeholders, policymakers, scientists, and developers. This collaboration results in tailored applications and actionable climate metrics relevant to energy utilities, regulators, and other state agencies. Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine specifically supports California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment providing access to downscaled CMIP6 climate data and analytics allowing researchers to utilize the most up-to-date climate projections. 

Eagle Rock Analytics also supports the Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation (LCI) and the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) on facilitating data and scenario selection for agencies, data standards, and guiding the integration of climate projections into various modeling processes. This includes developing the Local Climate Snapshot tool, conducting consultations for ICARP and the Adaptation ClearingHouse, and offering climate-informed guidance to the Demand Forecast Unit and Energy Assessment Division. The team also assists with the CPUC rulemaking process and utility engagement, ensuring statistical and scientific best practices.

Our approach of co-production through Cal-Adapt’s tools and Cal Adapt: Analytics Engine’s Jupyter Notebooks helps create products that guide users through geospatial data analysis, while incorporating cutting-edge climate science and best methodological practices. Eagle Rock Analytics’ team of climate scientists and developers ensures that Cal-Adapt remains at the forefront of accessible climate adaptation tools, ultimately equipping California with robust data, guidance, resources, and tools for effective climate adaptation.

The Local Climate Snapshot tool in Cal-Adapt
The Guidance page in the Analytics Engine explaining climate science topics to planners
The beginning of the Getting Started notebook in the Analytics Engine