Weather Pattern Recognition for Santa Clara County Watersheds

As extreme precipitation events become more severe, it is becoming increasingly important to anticipate on-the-ground impacts with sufficient lead time for a meaningful response. We are working with the Santa Clara Valley Water District to provide the tools necessary to proactively respond to a storm’s forecast, rather than react to its impacts. By employing pattern […]
Sacramento Municipal Utility District Climate Vulnerability Assessment

Eagle Rock Analytics is partnering with AECOM to help Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) prepare for California’s changing climate. As one of the nation’s largest public utilities serving over 1.5 million residents, SMUD is working to ensure reliable power delivery across its diverse service and generation territory – from Sacramento’s urban core to the Sierra […]
Climate Risk and Resilience Portal (ClimRR) Partnership

In partnership with Argonne National Laboratory, this project coordinates climate data guidance and standardization activities between Cal-Adapt and the Climate Risk and Resilience Portal (ClimRR). ClimRR was constructed and is maintained by Argonne through collaborative effort and funding on behalf of DOE’s Grid Deployment Office (GDO), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the U.S. […]
California Climate Risk and Adaptation Index

Eagle Rock Analytics is developing a novel index to quantify the co-benefits of California Climate Investment (CCI) projects for the California Air Resources Board. The California Climate Risk and Adaptation Index (Cal-CRAI) is a co-developed measure to quantitatively evaluate connections between California-specific climate risk needs, resilience indicators, and adaptation efforts undertaken by communities. Cal-CRAI evaluates […]
Historical Observations Data Platform

A cloud-based, historical weather observations data platform focusing on near-real time to enable California’s energy sector access to high-quality, open climate and weather data. The historical observations data platform responds to stakeholder needs in understanding weather and climate information including the severity, duration, frequency, and rate of change over time of extreme weather events, as […]

The adoption of renewable and zero-carbon energy resources is an essential tool in climate change adaptation efforts, but the generation of energy from sources like solar radiation and wind naturally exists at the whim of the weather. California’s ambitious Senate Bill 100 (SB100) aims for 100% of California’s retail energy to come from renewable and […]

Eagle Rock Analytics leads the development and management of Cal-Adapt, California’s climate data portal, and the Cal-Adapt: Analytics Engine, a cloud-based analytical data platform designed for the state’s climate adaptation and assessment needs. Cal-Adapt connects California’s research community with stakeholders and the public, offering tools and visualizations to support the state’s climate resilience efforts, while […]