Careers FAQ

FAQ for Job Postings At Eagle Rock Analytics

Submit your questions to  We’ll update this page frequently with submitted questions and answers to them.   Last Updated: April 11, 2024

Q: Can you describe a bit more the remote work / flexible schedule option for positions at ERA? 

A: Our positions are remote, unless you prefer coming into the office in Sacramento, or the project requirements change.  In terms of flexible scheduling – so long as you are getting the work done, we’re fine with people working when best fits their lifestyle.  Of course there will be calls with the team, partners and meetings and such which will likely be 9-4 during the workweek – so we’ll need you to be able to attend these.

Q: How do you define “resident of California”?

A: We define a resident as someone who pays income taxes to the State of California and holds a permanent address in California.  Periodic extended travel and/or being a digital nomad is fine, so long as you maintain legal residence in California.

Q: Why do you care so much that applicants are “residents of California”?

A:  The people funding our work require that funds be spent within California.  Further, our work is stakeholder focused, so applicants need to be able to easily travel to locations within California for meetings with stakeholders.

Q: What do you mean by full or part time? 

A: We define full time employees as those working at least 37 hours per week.

Q: I am in [far away state] can I work remotely on this project?

A: Probably not.  The majority of funds supporting this work require that applicants must maintain legal residency in California for the duration of their employment with Eagle Rock Analytics, Inc. 

Q: Will you consider applicants who live in another state but would be willing to relocate to California if selected?

A: Yes, we would absolutely consider applicants who are willing to relocate California.

Q: Are remote and in-person applicants considered equally?

A: Yes and no.  Remote and in-person applicants who live, or pay income taxes in California are favored by our funding agency, and will be considered equally.  This is a stakeholder focused project, so applicants must be able to easily travel to locations within California.

Q: Are full, part time and off-hours applicants considered equally?

A: No.  Our preference is to hire a full time person to fill this position.  It is necessary for the applicant to be generally available to meet during the business day with the team and external collaborators and stakeholders – but flexibility outside of meeting constraints exist for off-hours work opportunities.

Q: Do I have to be a resident of the United States to apply for this position?

A: You must be qualified to legally work in the United States.  We are unable to sponsor work visas at this time.

Q: I am in [foreign country]. Can I work remotely in my home country?

A: At this time we are only considering applicants living in the United States. 

Q: I have an H1B visa.  Does your organization have any arrangements with non-profit or universities to enable an employment arrangement?

A: No.  We do not, at this time, have any such arrangements.